Art Farm Nebraska

I seem to have karma with Nebraska. Twelve years ago, before I moved to Baltimore, I lived in Lincoln, NE for a few months. Post economic crash, I wanted to be as far away from New York as I could be, physically and conceptually, so Nebraska made sense. I had honestly no preconceived notions about it other than corn. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was a pretty amazing place. While there, I had heard of Art Farm, and had intended to visit, but it took me until 2020 to do so. It did not disappoint. We arrived in October, just as the summer was fading, which turned out to be the perfect time to be there as we got to taste the breadth of the local climate, and there were very few other artists around, which allowed us to get to know the ones that were there better. Ed Dadey, director of the residency, was an inspirational presence - he kicked me off of many metaphorical ledges in the most gentle way imaginable, getting me to install drywall and siding on a house while Grace Wong, the residency coordinator, taught me how to weld. I learned to do things I never thought I could. In just two woefully short weeks, I pushed myself to the limit, skill-wise, and impressed myself with my capabilities. It was truly a life-changing experience, and I can’t wait to go back.


The Ladies of Westchester County

The kind of lady who chastises strangers on Metro North for their phone use

The kind of lady who honks the second the light turns green

The kind of lady who clutches her purse when she sees a “suspicious character”

The kind of lady who mutters profanities under her breath while waiting at the checkout line behind a family using their SNAP card

The kind of lady who calls the cops

The kind of lady who accuses you of being on drugs because you nodded off on a bench at Home Depot while waiting for your parents to finish choosing paint at 8am

The kind of lady who wants your pitbull euthanized in order to protect her dickhead jack russell (the one with a pink collar)

The kind of lady who never misses an opportunity to express her disdain for Trump

The kind of lady who drives an Audi

The kind of lady that complains about the wait after five minutes

The kind of lady that really wants you to meet her half-asian niece

The kind of lady who asks about crime when you tell her you used to live in Baltimore

The kind of lady who orders her own dish at a Chinese restaurant and then uses a fork

The kind of lady that sends the food back

The kind of lady who complains about the spice

And the salt

And the lack of vegan options

Before ordering a steak

Well done

Ray Gun Jelly

put your ray gun to my head

raise your horns no more

for the Lord’s Meme gratefully died inside

losing faith in heaven’s door

late night victim of role play suicide

sneak out on a dream-age moonbeam

when you see me Betty

selfie dick theme ready

it’s a shame he couldn’t stay

bury my heart in a new dawn,

today is the day


Sing Sing Correctional Facility

I cannot right the wrongs

Virtue of the left turn signal

Over-correcting for diet

I have tried everything

Confounding controls

Double blind yolks

All I have is a song

Hold the mustard hold the mayo

No I don’t want lettuce or tomato

No ketchup or potatoes

Oh no oh no