Art Farm Nebraska

I seem to have karma with Nebraska. Twelve years ago, before I moved to Baltimore, I lived in Lincoln, NE for a few months. Post economic crash, I wanted to be as far away from New York as I could be, physically and conceptually, so Nebraska made sense. I had honestly no preconceived notions about it other than corn. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it was a pretty amazing place. While there, I had heard of Art Farm, and had intended to visit, but it took me until 2020 to do so. It did not disappoint. We arrived in October, just as the summer was fading, which turned out to be the perfect time to be there as we got to taste the breadth of the local climate, and there were very few other artists around, which allowed us to get to know the ones that were there better. Ed Dadey, director of the residency, was an inspirational presence - he kicked me off of many metaphorical ledges in the most gentle way imaginable, getting me to install drywall and siding on a house while Grace Wong, the residency coordinator, taught me how to weld. I learned to do things I never thought I could. In just two woefully short weeks, I pushed myself to the limit, skill-wise, and impressed myself with my capabilities. It was truly a life-changing experience, and I can’t wait to go back.
